Bismillahi arRahmani arRahim,
In the name of God, the most Gracious, the most Merciful,
I've decided to start a blog as sometimes I reflect on life and my thoughts are lost, they evaporate into the space or get lost in between facebook statuses.
I thought I would rather keep them somewhere safe to be able to go back to them and reflect more and learn from them more and maybe benefit other people with my deep thinking :)
So here I am, posting my welcome message to you.
Have a great time on my blog. I hope you'll all enjoy it.
Assalamu alaikum. Peace be with you.
PS. Why "against the stream"? Well, being a muslim in Europe is already against the stream and then taking from attachement parenting and home educating/unschooling are also not that popular so again against the stream :)
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W imie Boga Milosiernego, Litosciwego,
Postanowilam otworzyc swoj blog, poniewaz czasami rozmyslam nad zyciem a moje mysli gina, wyparowuja w kosmos czy gubia sie miedzy fejsbukowymi statusami.
Pomyslalam, ze chcialabym je zachowac, zeby moc do nich powracac i zastanowic sie raz jeszcze i uczyc sie i byc moze z moich glebokich przemyslen skorzystaja tez inni :)
A wiec oto jestem, z moim powitaniem.
Bawcie sie dobrze na moim blogu. Mam nadzieje, ze bedzie Wam sie tu podobalo.
Pokoj z Wami
PS. Dlaczego "pod prad"? Otoz juz samo bycie muzulmanka w Europie jest "pod prad", dalej czerpanie z rodzicielstwa bliskosci oraz nauczanie domowo/unschooling rowniez nie jest bardzo popularne, wiec znowu pod prad :)
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